MyPES13 v4.0

Maret 26, 2013

Finally, MyPES13 v4.0. For more future existing, we recomemded that you should download MyPES13 Patch v3.0 – v4.0, it is up to you. You can download MyPES13 v4.0 without download the past patch (v1.0 – v3.1). MyPES13 v4.0 contain:
*Added new player face (over 100 face)
*New 13/14 kits
*Gameplay tool 3.25
*No blur (patch 1.03)
*New theme
*New font
*New main menu
*Goal keeper glove seletor
*Premier League & FA Cup ceramony
*Hew HD Boots v4
*New chant song (Malaysia Team)

How To Install :
1. Download MyPES13 if does not have ( If have MP13 skip step 1 )
2. Download MyPES13 and Extract File
3. Install the patch using Setup.exe to your MyPES13 Directory
4. Start your game by click MyPES13 Icon on your Dekstop
5. Now you can play MyPES13
All credit goes to:
HBZCeria | SbadBoyz | DarkNaple | Ilhan | Shamrik Gunners | Martin 09 | M4rc310 | Iqmal | KarkZ | xSun | KrulAmirul | RazorEdit | Jenky1002

: MyPES13 v4.0
: 4.5
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: MyPES13 v4.0

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